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Installing Git Version On Linux

As this project is still in development, you might want to have a peek into the development version. This is more advanced than using the stable versions, but not impossibly hard.

First you need to clone the git repository from GitHub using the following command:

git clone

That will create a directory geo-activity-playground in your current working directory.

Then change into that directory:

cd geo-activity-playground

Next we will use Poetry to install the dependencies of the project. First you need to make sure that you have Poetry available. On Ubuntu/Debian run sudo apt install python3-poetry, on Fedora/RedHat run sudo dnf install poetry to install it.

Then we can create the virtual environment:

poetry install

And next we can run the program:

poetry run geo-activity-playground --basedir path/to/your/playground --help

Replace the --help with the subcommands described in the help message or the other parts described this documentation.

You will need the --basedir option because you run the program from the source directory and not from your playground directory. If you install the stable version via PIP as described in the other page, you will not need this option.

Updating to the latest version

Over time I will add more commits to the source control system. In order to update your clone to the latest version, execute the following:

git pull

This will download the missing changesets and apply them to your downloaded version. After that is done, you need to update your virtual environment with this:

poetry install

And then you can continue using it as before.