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If you want to contribute, that's awesome! It is best if you get in touch first, then we can discuss the best way to add your idea.

We try to develop this in a Clean Code way, with the least amount of coupling. We also follow the Hypermodern Python series for project layout and choice of tooling.

Development setup

This project is written in Python. It uses Poetry to manage the project and its dependencies.

Once you have obtained the source code via git clone, you can install the project into a virtual environment using poetry install. This will install all the dependencies and the package.

You can of course use any Python development environment that you want. Martin can recommend PyCharm Community Edition. Make sure to install the “Poetry” plugin to easily set up the virtual environment.

In order to run in development mode, use Poetry:

poetry run vigilant-crypto-snatch [more command line arguments]

You can run the tests with pytest:

poetry run pytest

In order to determine test coverage, use this:

poetry run coverage run --source=src -m pytest
poetry run coverage html

We use the pre-commit tool. So also run pre-commit install to set it up. This will take care of code formatting with Black, static type checking, unit test and test coverage on every commit.

Updating the documentation

The documentation is created with Material for MkDocs. Just edit the Markdown files in docs.

To locally view the documentation, use this:

poetry run mkdocs serve

New release

In order to create a new release, we use the make-release script. It requires the access credentials to GitHub and PyPI and Codecov, so only Martin can do that at this point.