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Using Activity Files

Outdoor activities are usually recorded as .GPX or .FIT files. Some apps like OsmAnd , OpenTracks or Organic Maps, GPS handhelds, smartwatches or cycling computers give you these files.

Supported file formats

  • FIT
  • GPX
  • TCX
  • KML
  • KMZ
  • Simra CSV export

Add Activity Files

Before starting the service you need to create a folder for your activities and put at least one activity file in there.

Create a Playground folder on your storage somewhere and add a subfolder Activities. There you can add your activity files. For example:

├─ Documents[or other location]/
│  ├─ Playground/
│  │  ├─ Activities/
│  │  │  ├─ 2024-03-03-17-42-10 Home to Bakery.gpx

The program will treat the files as read-only and does not modify them.

Once the service is running you can use the Uploader to add your files. You can manually rename, move or delete your activity files, but the program needs to reload to respect these changes. You can restart the program or visit Scan New Activities in the admin menu of the WebUI.

Metadata extraction

Most activity file formats contain basic data like date, time and track points. Each activity in geo-activity-playground also has the metadata fields kind, equipment and name. They can be extracted from files that contain them.

If no metadata is found, kind and equipment default to Unknown. The name is then extracted from the file name (without the suffix). So for Activities/2024-03-03-17-42-10 Home to Bakery.gpx the name is 2024-03-03-17-42-10 Home to Bakery.

Next steps

Once you have your files put into the directory, you're all set and can proceed with the next steps.

You can extend the directory structure to categorize your activities, see Advanced Metadata Extraction.